Night Fields getting kids involved

Trying out sports in a round robin event Night Fields provides opportunities to engage young people in active passtimes.

The Kojonup Shire, Western Australia, joined forces with the Stephen Michael Foundation and the Kojonup District High School over a five week period, to give school aged children a 20 minute round robin style trial of football (AFL), netball, hockey and some weeks soccer and squash.

The children were split into similar aged groups and accompanied by an adult leader to take them from each area of sport to the next.
The group leader and supportive parents helped to make the sporting sessions run more smoothly, allowing the children to become more familiar with the sport within the allotted 20 minute time frame.

Children participated in three sports each afternoon, finishing with a sausage sizzle, fruit and a few giveaways to take home.

The Stephen Michael Foundation is South Fremantle Football Club’s community engagement program, supporting youth and young adults in the Club’s recruitment zone, by opening up opportunities for participation and development through sport, regardless of colour, ethnic background or social circumstances.

The Shire of Kojonup, the Stephen Michael Foundation and the Kojonup District High School are engaging with the community to provide a safe and fun activity for children, and to increase participation in a number of sports available in the district of Kojonup and its surrounding areas.

The Shire of Kojonup is very appreciative of the community members who have supported this event and all the volunteers and parents who helped out, without community support and participation local events are a rare occurrence.

The Shire of Kojonup would love to have Kojonup Night Fields continued in future years with the ongoing support of kids, parents and volunteers for an expanded timeframe.