Burdekin Shire Council, Queensland, is building a new ‘culture of conversation’ following an intensive series of in-house training sessions focusing on Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and Fraud and Corruption Control.
Following the recent review and update of Council’s ERM Framework and Fraud and Corruption Control Plan, it was considered essential to deliver training across the board so that a new culture of conversation could begin.
Director of Corporate and Community Services, Nick O’Connor said that the in-house training delivery model offered a variety of benefits.
“In-house training has been a very effective tool for Council, particularly in relation to these topics, both from a cost-saving perspective and from the perspective of consistent message delivery,” O’Connor said.
“As a small to medium sized Council we wanted the training to be tailored to each work group and we were conscious of keeping costs down.
“Risk Management and Fraud and Corruption Control are an area of focus for local government at the moment, so it was important that the training was delivered in a style that would get people’s attention while still delivering Council’s key messages.
“Council’s Governance Unit developed a flexible, fit-for-purpose in-house training program to really help get the key messages to each and every employee.”
Council’s Senior Governance Officer, Rebecca Stockdale was charged with developing and delivering the training sessions and noted that the in-house training had been well-received.
“When people are trained in a familiar environment, among colleagues they work with every day, it tends to create a more comfortable atmosphere where conversation can flow freely,” she said
“We really wanted to get people talking. We want to create a culture where there are conversations about risks and where solutions are discussed and implemented to ensure that risk is managed effectively.
“Participants were relaxed and could ask questions and because I have an extensive knowledge of the organisation and the topics, I could give accurate feedback on the spot.
“We were able to deliver a dynamic series of sessions to each of the work areas across Council. Our Parks and Gardens teams were even able to have a tailored session delivered on-site in the park!
“For our organisation, the in-house training sessions have really kick-started a new culture of conversation.”