Attracting visitors to support drought affected economies

Some of the recent advertising targeting a new audience.

Many of Victoria’s East Gippsland communities are in drought and many other traditional tourism areas are impacted due to their traditional visitor base being in drought, with less discretionary money for holidaying.

The East Gippsland Shire Council is partnering with Destination Gippsland to implement a tourism marketing campaign targeting new markets and audiences, encouraging people to holiday in these drought affected communities.

The campaign targets key visitor audiences, including travelling over-55s, families, adventurous outdoor enthusiasts and anyone who appreciates good food and wine.

The campaign will run until June 2020 and will encompass a wide range of media including feature articles, advertisements, direct email and social media coverage, to encourage maximum visitation to East Gippsland.

A concurrent public relations campaign will include a media familiarisation tour of East Gippsland for key Melbourne print and digital publications and a broader program of pitching content to media contacts.

East Gippsland Shire Council Mayor, Natalie O’Connell, said, “This is a great campaign and I hope East Gippsland businesses support it and use it as leverage to build their business’ profile to metropolitan and interstate audiences.

“I am looking forward to seeing increased visitation and tourism spend because of this campaign.”