Shire of Mundaring, Western Australia, recently updated its youth services delivery to a grants based model that enables young people to be better supported.
Community groups are encouraged to apply for Youth Engagement Partnership Funding for initiatives which have been developed in consultation with young people and that align to the objectives of the youth services model.
Recent grant recipients’ initiatives focus on life skills, social participation and positive peer modelling.
Swan Districts Football Club is running a 10-week pilot program at Eastern Hills Senior High School for disengaged young people through their V-Swans program.
This initiative provides opportunities for skill development and has resulted in increased engagement by the young people, leading to a program extension of two years.
Marloo Theatre volunteers are running a youth program – MarlooYouTH or MYTH.
Funding has been granted for equipment to expand the scope of the program which currently offers young people the opportunity to participate in acting and theatre workshops providing skill development and connection with the wider community.
Eastgate Church is updating a previously established youth services directory, making it available to young people and community groups in a variety of formats, improving access to service information.
Mundaring Arts Centre is running a series of workshops facilitated by local artists giving young people the chance to build skills and social connection.
Council supports young people through a Youth Advisory Group, the Youth C.R.E.W.
This group enables communication between the shire’s young people and Council, and advocates on behalf of its peers.
All funding applications submitted by local community groups for Youth Engagement Partnership Funds are assessed by the Youth C.R.E.W. for suitability.