Councillor profiles – Mayor Wayne Thomas Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council

Clare and Gilbert Valleys is a beautiful and productive environment with a diversity between broad acre, viticulture and tourism. Our residents enjoy a quality lifestyle, which is also appreciated by our numerous visitors.

Productive soils, elevation and reliable rainfall enable us to produce some of the best wines in the world, plus wheat, barley, legumes and sheep.

We have enriching experiences and a rural ambience within two hours of Adelaide.

What makes it stand out for me is the combination of the attractive and productive landscape, rural villages and a useful sized main centre where you can access most services.

There is something to cater for most people’s interests, be it sport, environment or arts. Our bike and walking trails are very popular. Speaking from experience it is also a great place to raise a family.
I was a councillor for over eight years, then had a four year break before coming in as mayor.

I am still a full time farmer, predominantly sheep.  I have a strong understanding of how primary industry contributes to the economy of the area and how tourism and farming can have mutual synergies. One of my strengths is asset management and financial viability, together with long term planning.

When I can, I don’t mind a hit of tennis and time with the family.  I also like to read.

Finding a balance
Trying to maintain the level of infrastructure the community desires from a smallish population base is the main problem faced by Council. There is a need to balance the desires of everyone, which can be challenging when half of the population lives in one centre and the rest are spread between 13 other towns and villages, not to mention the farming and rural population in between. Each of these have different desires and focuses.

Our next biggest significant expenditure is going to be storm water management. This is an issue in so many of our towns we will need to be innovative to ensure the cost is not prohibitive, whilst still protecting as much property as possible.

Some successes
Our council delivered its share of the drought funding very quickly and effectively into projects which will have lasting benefits to the district and employed mostly local people.

As Mayor I have the opportunity of gaining a better appreciation of all facets of the community over the entire district. I have really come to appreciate what a wonderful volunteer base we have. I really enjoy meeting different people.

The time commitment is the hardest part of the role and my family has had to bear some of the burden. At times my community commitments take priority over the family and business.

For the future I hope to be able to get people to realise that delivering the outcome one sector wants does not need to be at the expense of someone else. It is finding a way to grow the circle so there is room for everyone’s aspirations. Within that, residents need to realise all capital infrastructure needs to be viable into the longer term, fair and equitable.