New Junction comes to life

Mayor Kevin Bailey and Deputy Mayor David Lucas, accepted the grant certificate from Minister McGurk along with Giovanni Stefanelli, and representatives from Lotterywest.

City of Swan, Western Australia, has received a $1.3 million Lotterywest grant from the Minister for Community Services, Simone McGurk MLA, for its New Junction Project.

Mayor, Kevin Bailey, said, “This generous support from Lotterywest will go towards important facilities for our young generations to enjoy, including an outdoor youth space and children’s play area.

“The City is grateful for the Western Australian Government’s support of the New Junction project, which will revitalise Midland’s central business district with a diverse range of residential and business development, together with outstanding new public and community spaces.”

In June, the City also accepted a $1 million contribution from the Stefanelli family towards a new children’s playground in the New Junction precinct.

Minister McGurk said, “It’s so important that children and young people have places in their community where they can connect and engage in creative play and physical activity.

“While we have always known the value of community spaces, there is a growing body of scientific evidence indicating just how crucial physical activity is in the early years for a child’s learning, development and wellbeing.

“This grant also recognises the importance of families having places to connect and come together in their local communities.”

The Lotterywest funding is for infrastructure and equipment for the outdoor youth space and children’s play area, across both stage one and two of the public open space construction.

Stage One is currently under construction and includes a grassed kick about area and a dedicated youth zone including shade sails, a climbing wall, basketball hoops, public art and landscaping.

Stage Two is scheduled to commence construction in 2020-21, and will complete the play area with cubby houses, a slide tower, wetland play area, climbing equipment and toddler’s corral.

The play area will reflect elements of the classic Australian backyard – a place to tell stories, catch up with friends and play.

The draft concept is based on the habitats of 11 insects unique to Western Australia, and designed to inspire play, discovery and curiosity.

The design has recently been refined through a community consultation process.

The wider public open space is designed to support and encourage community events and family gatherings through the inclusion of seating, lighting, a small grandstand and public amenities.