Last month we farewelled Tony Tapsell who has retired after close to 18 years as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Association. Delegates who attended his farewell dinner in Alice Springs, as part of the LGANT annual conference heard, he is a highly respected colleague, mentor, trusted advisor and friend. Accolades were read from those who couldn’t attend the farewell and many in the room shared kind words expressing their great respect for Tony’s extensive knowledge of local government at both Territory and National level, his authentic leadership and generosity of spirit.
In his farewell speech Tony highlighted the local government reforms of 2008 as probably the most significant impact on the local government sector in its history when the number of councils in the Northern Territory reduced from 63 to 16. LGANT, under Tony’s leadership, advocated strongly for the reforms which the government then embraced and implemented.
LGANT has appointed Sean Holden as its CEO, who commenced in early November. Sean joins us from the Local Government Association of South Australia (LGASA) where he was a Senior Policy Adviser. He also served with councils at Whyalla and Port Augusta and as a Ministerial Adviser to the South Australian Minister for Regional Affairs and Mineral Development.
Sean has hit the ground running, attending his first LGANT Conference, General Meeting and Annual General Meeting, where he was introduced to delegates from most Northern Territory councils and had a broad introduction to Northern Territory local government issues. Then onto a meeting of Local Government Association CEOs in Brisbane for the national perspective and followed up by the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) Board Meeting and the National Local Roads and Transport Congress held at the Adelaide Hills Convention Centre Hahndorf. We welcome Sean and look forward to the next chapter for LGANT under his leadership.
Past President of LGANT, Kerry Moir (2005 – 2012) was recognised with LGANT’s inaugural Honorary Life Membership at the LGANT General Meeting in November. It was a complete surprise to Kerry and she was ecstatic about receiving it. Kerry has worked in the local government sector for many years and was recognised for her service to the Association. She served on the LGANT Executive 2000-2004, Vice President 2004-2005 and served as President
Councillor Hal Ruger, Barkly Regional Council was presented with a 15 years service pin, and President Roxanne Kenny, MacDonnell Regional Council and Councillor Wally Minjin, West Daly Regional Council were both awarded their 10 year service pins.
As we wrap up a busy year on behalf of LGANT, I signed a letter of engagement with the West Australian Local Government Association (WALGA) President, Lynne Craigie. This agreement is for the provision of WALGA services to assist developing and strengthening procurement services in our member councils. Another great example of Local Government working together across
State/Territory boarders.