Making your packaging program actually work*

Salary Packaging Australia (SPA) has worked in the local government sector since 2004 and currently looks after 80+ councils across the country.

This level of experience allows SPA to implement educational programs for all levels of financial literacy.

This guarantees your salary packaging benefit program has value for all employees.

Most councils offer salary packaging as part of their remuneration structure and employee value proposition.

Importantly employees must understand what is being offered.

If your organisation only features a novated leasing program, it’s crucial to offer a supply panel to allow a choice of providers, ensuring competition to achieve the best possible outcome for your employees.

If you believe novated leasing is the only opportunity, please call
SPA immediately.

Post the Hayne Royal Commission, employers need to recognise that the novated lease is a financial service.

Therefore, employees should have choice to ensure competitive interest rates, lower fees and exceptional customer service.

When financing a new home or car an employee would normally seek multiple funding options, not one.

By utilising competition, employees are given the ability to compare.

This simple solution will bring greater rewards for your staff.

It is important to note the other types of benefits that may be available to your employees such as: remote area housing, living away from home allowance, associate leasing and relocation benefits.

These benefits should be the standard offering of Human Resources and Corporate Services teams for regional and remote employers.

By utilising all available employee benefits councils will bring a competitive edge in difficult labour markets for roles such as engineers, planners, environmental health officers and building certifiers.

Speak with the team at SPA to ensure that you are utilising all the available options and ensure you can efficiently provide choice of supplier.

A few minutes with a SPA Relationship Manager could reinvigorate your employee benefits program to help you attract, recruit, engage and retain the best possible workforce.

*Copy supplied by SPA