Art transforms street

Temporary artworks are transforming local streetscapes.

A new artwork is helping to transform the Noble Park streetscape.

The work by established mural artist Hayden Dewar was commissioned by Greater Dandenong Council, Victoria, and pays homage to the growth and development of the local community.

Dewar’s work is inspired by the changing population that has called the suburb home over the years.

The artwork depicts the strength and spirit of the community through its sprawling tree roots of a mighty river red gum- a tree synonymous with the local area.

The artwork entitled Roots is located on the corner of Ian Street and Mons Parade in Noble Park.

The area is frequented by hundreds of pedestrians making their way from Ian Street to the new train station.

The Transformed program first began in the City of Greater Dandenong in 2006. Since then more than 30 temporary art installations have helped transform public spaces in Greater Dandenong’s activity centres.

Greater Dandenong Mayor, Jim Memeti said Transformed was a fantastic program that brought art to the people.

“These temporary art works in our activity centres assist us in creating friendly pedestrian environments and add colour and vibrancy to our streetscapes.”