Following the unprecedented 2019/20 bushfire season, the 2020 Bushfire Building Conference is shaping up to be a crucial event for builders, architects, building designers, engineers, and urban planners.
Hosted by the Blue Mountains Economic Enterprise, the 6th Australian Bushfire Building Conference will explore the theme: Stronger and Smarter – Lessons Learnt.
The conference will be held as a one-day virtual event on 17 September with a live event to be added from 17-18 September if COVID-19 restrictions allow.
The program will include presentations from renowned national and international experts who will discuss the latest research, updates and technologies on building in bushfire prone areas.
The highlight of this year’s conference will be a key address from Shane Fitzsimmons AFSM, the inaugural Commissioner for Resilience New South Wales and former Commissioner of the New South Wales Rural Fire Service.
Commissioner Fitzsimmons said with longer and more catastrophic fire seasons ahead, it is imperative for building professionals, bushfire researchers and regulators to engage in further discussions that will shape the future.
“The 2019/2020 bushfires were unprecedented for New South Wales and the most destructive in 20 years with 2475 homes destroyed and a further 1034 damaged.
“There has never been a more important time for building industry professionals to gain further insight into how bushfires operate, what we can learn from the previous season and where we can improve.
The Australian Bushfire Building Conference is proud to partner with the New South Wales Rural Fire Service and Fire Protection Association of Australia and is sponsored by TBA Firefly™.
For more information and to book tickets visit
*Copy supplied by Bushfire Building Conference