Taking a complex process back to basics*

Sometimes simple is good  

The smell of home cooked scones, snuggling under your favourite doona watching an old movie, or without the doona maybe if you are in northern Australia, but you know what we mean. 

Section51 has been reminded that back to basics is sometimes the best approach.  So, we thought we would show that while the grants process can appear to be complex, and maybe it is, there is a simple approach that you can take.  


Grant preparation is made up of five broad parts:

1.The project you select to achieve good things for your community.  This may be from the smallest adventure playground to a new port or airport.  It doesn’t matter what, it is your project that will help your community.

2. The story that is created from the project told to the grant assessors in the criteria answers.  This is not about the project, but about what the project will achieve for the State, Territory or Australian government funding provider.

3. The evidence and data that supports the story. For example, if we say that three jobs are to be created, you need to back this statement up with evidence.  Collecting the right evidence is the foundation for the application.

4. Creation of the documentation that presents the evidence.  Project plans, business cases and supporting documentation needs to be presented in a way that the assessors can see that you know what you are doing and are ready to build.

5. Online form completion and submission.  This can be one of the most challenging components simply as it involves someone else’s technology based in a capital city a long way from you. Start early, save often is the key.

Traditional grant and funding opportunities are a bit quiet now, which is typical for August, but that is likely to change the closer we get to Christmas.  Start thinking of each of these steps as the earlier you can begin preparation before grant programs open, the simpler your life will be and the more time for fresh baked scones and that great old movie. 

*Copy supplied by Section 51