Fleet management organisations (FMOs) can help support local government agencies and councils as they face pressure and reduced access to funds in the current COVID-19 environment.
It is important that councils ensure that they have the right fleet policy in place, aligned to the changing market place and their individual strategic goals.
FMOs can provide guidance and develop customised fleet policies, including regular reviews of process efficiency across suppliers, drivers, and service providers, as well as management of maintenance, fuel cards, registration and infringements.
Councils should also aim to reduce risk exposure in relation to workplace health and safety (WH&S), vehicle condition, driver behaviour and training.
Importantly, reviewing the utilisation and optimising your fleet assets are crucial.
Optimisation ensures that the fleet size and business practices are in line with the actual requirement by location.
Taking a holistic approach, councils can consider making use of alternative mobility solutions. For example, car sharing allows councils to better manage their pool vehicles by taking advantage of specialist in-car technology or by utilising a partner-owned fleet of vehicles.
SG Fleet’s car sharing solution can report on fleet usage patterns so that councils can increase their fleet when needed by using available pay-as-you-go car sharing vehicles.
They can reduce the fleet and transfer surplus vehicles to other locations or share vehicles across multiple divisions and departments.
Consolidated billing, reporting and analytics of vehicle usage helps monitor and reduce fleet costs.
As managing pools of resources can be complex and logistically challenging, SG Fleet’s Bookingintelligence offers an online resource management
It provides a detailed summary view or a quick snapshot of the entire resource pool.
In recent months, this platform has seen an exponential increase in number of users and transactions.
Contact: 1300 138 235
*Copy supplied by SG Fleet