The next generation of erosion control and slope stabilisation*

Flexible concrete erosion mats can be cut and laid around existing structures.

In construction projects, particular roadways, bridge abutments and swale drains, it is expected that controls are used to manage the impact of erosion. 

Australian Concrete Mats (ACM) offers the next generation of stabilisation and erosion control for bridge abutments and swale drains. 

Providing fast and low-cost solutions for projects combined with long lasting protection, ACM products are suitable for small to large scale projects. 

ACM provide two types of erosion mats. 

A Flexible Concrete Erosion Mat and an Articulated Concrete Cable Block Mat. 

Both products offer different degrees of slope stabilisation, scour protection, effective filtration, and sediment control. 

ACM’s concrete mats and blocks feature a flexible matrix of concrete shapes with uniform size, shape, and weight. 

Each mat is designed to have specific hydraulic capabilities.

The all-in-one flexible erosion control mat offers a stable barrier that helps reduce the water flow velocity, allowing filtration of silt particles, as well as providing scour protection. 

Being flexible, it can also be cut and laid around existing structures such as bridge piers, culverts, pipes, and trees.

ACM flexible concrete erosion mats were the first choice for Davbridge Constructions, installing the mats for Ipswich Shire Council at the Deebing Creek Bridge project,
Ripley Queensland.

The bridge abutments and drainage channels beneath the bridge piers were lined with ACM’s mats to stabilise the slopes, slow down the velocity of hydraulic forces, and control erosion by minimising scouring and filter runoff. 

Deebing Bridge project mats were supplied in rolls, 2.4m wide and 15m long. 

ACM’s innovative concrete erosion mats are easy to handle, quick to install and provide advanced stabilisation and erosion control for long lasting protection.

For more information telephone 0480 234 521 or visit

*Copy supplied by Australian Concrete Mats