Town of Gawler, South Australia, Civic Centre restoration project received the prestigious President’s Award at this year’s national Planning Institute of Australia (PIA) Awards for Planning Excellence on 24 September.
In his presentation at the virtual awards ceremony PIA National President, Steve O’Connor named the Town of Gawler project as the sole recipient of the President’s Award this year. He was most impressed by the quality and scope of the heritage restoration and use of what are obviously two of the most significant heritage buildings within the Gawler township.
He also acknowledged it was a difficult decision within a very competitive field and that the Gawler Civic Centre was the ‘Best of the Best’ in respect to the projects under consideration.
The Civic Centre was entered under the category of the Great Place Award, which it won at the South Australian PIA Awards for Planning Excellence in November 2018. On that occasion, it was the honoured recipient of the Minister’s Award (Minister for Planning), a significant recognition as the best of all entries.
Mayor, Karen Redman was delighted with the win stating, “I’d just like to say thank you to all involved in this amazing, complex, innovative project that has set my community of Gawler on its path to success.”
The national recognition of the project is an acknowledgement of the sensitive revitalization and integration of the adjacent State Heritage listed Institute and Town Hall buildings, preserving them for generations to come and transforming them into an unique community and business hub.
Chief Executive Officer, Henry Inat, said, “The significance of this award win is even more special, in that it won the PIA President’s Award – one would suggest the most prestigious of the award categories.”
The other projects entered in the Great Place category were: Revitalisation of Howard Smith Wharves, Brisbane City Council; Princess Street Transformation, Brimbank City Council, Victoria and Manning Community Hub, City of South Perth.