Bulk-buy is ready to give

Mayor Bill Moar, Swan Hill Solar and Electrical’s Matt Iannucci, participants at Vivid, and Maree Miliano celebrate lower bills, a cleaner environment and a free solar system.

Swan Hill Rural City Council, Victoria, has raised $13,800 under the Mallee Sun Solar Bulk Buy scheme, which means it is now ready to distribute free solar to not-for-profit community groups, such as a social housing co-operative, or kindergarten in the Swan Hill municipality.

Mallee Sun Solar Bulk Buy organiser, Jo Kaptein said, “This ‘give back’ to the community, in the form of free solar, is part of the promise we made to Swan Hill and Robinvale residents when we launched the bulk buy back last year.

“This is the second time we have been able to donate money to groups in the region.

“The first community bonus resulted in a fully funded 5.94kW solar power system installed at disability services provider, Vivid, saving the organisation around $1,500 a year off its electricity bill.”

Vivid’s Regional Manager for Mallee, Maree Miliano, said the savings support over 50 people with disabilities who participate in the programs provided at the Harrods Lane site in Swan Hill.

The Mallee Sun Solar Bulk Buy is a partnership between Rural City of Swan Hill and the Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance, a not-for-profit organisation that provides support to councils throughout central and north western Victoria to help drive action on climate change.

Mayor, Bill Moar, said, “It goes to show what is possible when people and organisations work together towards a common goal. 

“In this case, the goal is multi-layered: it’s about helping our community make the transition to sun-powered energy and reaping the benefits from that – lower bills, a cleaner environment and free solar for not-for-profit community groups in our shire.”