Affordable housing project for Blayney

In the last 10 years, the median rent in Blayney Shire, New South Wales, has risen from $118 in 2009 to well over $330 in 2020. 

The rise in rents, along with high demand and limited rental stock availability, have increased the need for affordable and secure housing in the shire. 

In response, Council has agreed to support an Affordable and Social Housing Project in the town of Blayney. 

The proposed development is the construction of six units comprising of three x two bedroom and three x one bedroom units on the currently vacant land on Frape Street. 

Council will partner with Housing Plus, a not for profit organisation, with a 30 year history of providing community housing, tenancy and property management services in the Central West and Western regions of New South Wales.  

Housing Plus own Inala Units in nearby Millthorpe, which they purchased from Council in 2018; and is a wonderful example of how a community demonstrated their commitment to ensuring that those less well-off could afford a comfortable home in a beautiful village.

Council will fund the Development Application (DA) and compensate Housing Plus for the land purchase, subject to grant funding.

Mayor, Scott Ferguson, said, “Whilst the growth in mining delivers economic benefit to the shire, it has placed significant pressure on accommodation and residential availability impacting rental and housing affordability.”

‘Affordable housing’ is generally agreed to cost not more than 30 percent of household income.

Chief Executive Officer of Housing Plus, David Fisher, said, “Blayney Shire Council and Housing Plus have agreed to work collaboratively to provide much needed affordable housing in Blayney. 

“We will have a ‘shovel ready site’ with approved DA ready to take advantage of funding opportunities as and when they arise.”