Aquatic centre moves to next stage

A strong community desire for an aquatic centre is driving City of South Perth to build a world class facility.

City of South Perth, Western Australia, has given approval for a proposed Recreation Aquatic Facility (RAF) project to progress to the next stage.

At the November council meeting, the Business Plan of the future world class regional health, fitness and recreation centre was endorsed for public comment and a financial commitment of $20 million approved to match $20 million already promised by the Federal Government.

Mayor, Greg Milner said the City would now seek additional funding for the $80 million project, through other project partners, to progress to the design phase.

The RAF will provide the swimming pool the local community have long been asking for, along with a hydrotherapy pool, 6-8 indoor sports courts, a climbing wall, gym, high tech golf driving range, mini golf, meeting and function rooms, a café and restaurant.

“The proposed RAF is the biggest project undertaken by the City and it has the potential to provide enormous social, physical and health related benefits for our community.

“It is important to note, that the proposed RAF is based on the assumption the facility will be financially self-sustaining and will not result in an increase in council rates.

“The City will carry out further due diligence, engaging suitable independent and relevant industry and financial experts with respect to financial modelling, key operation assumptions, operating cash-flows and usage projections, which will be reported back to Council.”

Stakeholder and community engagement to date has identified a high level of support for the proposed RAF. 

“A total of 1641 people took part in the online survey with 87 percent of respondents from around the City indicating they would be likely to use the facility if it was built.”

A report will be presented at the February 2021 Council meeting, where it will be determined whether to proceed with implementing the
Business Plan.