Where local business connects

Localised is helping to connect local businesses. Photo courtesy Matt Devlin.

More than 80 percent of local businesses In City of Armadale, Western Australia, want to support other local businesses. 

Less than half of them actually do, due to difficulty in finding a local business or expert.

The ‘Localised’ platform changes that. Localised is an online platform tailored to support the local business community.

An initiative of the City of Armadale in collaboration with the Business Armadale Chamber of Commerce, Localised is available to all local businesses in the Armadale area. 

The online platform is free to join and use.

Mayor, Ruth Butterfield, said, “A strong local economy is essential to supporting a vibrant community.

“The City is pleased to support this initiative, which will enable our local businesses to connect, share ideas and innovation, whilst contributing to the local economy.”

The online tool provides an opportunity for business owners to gain exposure and network, attend events and training, access local business leads, and discover big projects and procurements. 

Upcoming business training includes video content creating and editing, LinkedIn networking and email marketing.

Localised has been well received by the local business community with over 100 local businesses already signed up to the City’s online business-to-business networking platform.

The launch of Localised has been further supported by the City’s #SupportArmadaleLocal campaign, encouraging community members to shop local and spend local, particularly in the wake of the
COVID-19 pandemic.