‘Healthy mind at work’ initiative

Bring your dog to work day was the biggest hit during Claremont’s ‘Healthy mind at work’ initiative.

September saw the launch of the ‘Supporting a Healthy Mind at Work’ program by Town of Claremont, Western Australia, with two weeks of activities and initiatives for employees to get involved in.

The program, developed by the Town’s Human Resources team saw bright shirts, furry friends and meditation zones brought into the office to promote both healthy minds and bodies.

Running from 30 August to 10 September, each day provided a new opportunity for staff to think or actively engage in improving their mental wellbeing.

Of the various programs, bring your dog to work day was perhaps the biggest hit as beloved pets kept their owners company at their desks and encouraged them to move and take walks around the park with colleagues.

Others enjoyed a head and shoulder massage while some took time in the Town’s pop-up meditation zone.

Town of Claremont Chief Executive Officer, Liz Ledger said the initiative was launched in the lead up to R U OK Day.

“The health and wellbeing of our staff is a priority, even more so now given the impact of COVID-19.  The two-week initiative offered ideas for people to try and if it resonated with them, to continue on with to support their mental wellbeing.”

The second week coincided with R U OK day, with the Town’s Employee Assistance Provider, People Sense giving a presentation on the help and services available to employees.

They stressed the importance of seeking help as that is the biggest barrier for those wanting to improve their mental wellbeing.