New dog bags aim to cut down waste

Biogone Dog bags aim to cut down landfill.

It’s very obvious where responsible dog owners put their used dog waste bags – it’s always the first bin they find.

The bin contents are then taken to a landfill. What happens next is critical according to the Biogone Dog Bags company.

If it is a bag from Biogone, then they say it will start to biodegrade (not degrade) down into its constituents, allowing the contents to then also biodegrade.

Biogone believe they have the solutions to help meet sustainability goals. Biogone offers two options for dog waste bags and bin liners. The first option is the lower cost landfill-biodegradable plastic bags. They say customers won’t see it break down like an apple core but it is considered as 90 per cent faster than the conventional plastic bag. This means that it is 10s of years rather than 100s of years. They believe this process is ideally suited for landfills where they want to capture landfill gas over a multi decade lifetime. They have rolls of 250 wide mouth and 500 standard bags currently available.

The second bag option is home compostable. Here the bags are made from a plant-based material and are designed to biodegrade in landfills in a manner of months. This material is thicker than the landfill-biodegradable bags and rolls of 250 wide mouth or 400 standard are available

The say equally important for environmental considerations, landfill-biodegradable bags do not have a limited shelf life, and they do not fragment into microplastics over time. A plastic bag with Biogone technology will perform and look just the same as a conventional plastic bag. Only when it is disposed to a landfill, will any differences become apparent. There a Biogone bag will start to biodegrade away, a conventional bag will persist for centuries.

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