The redevelopment of Walker Place has landed Town of Gawler an Australasian Award for excellence.
Mayor Karen Redman, CEO Henry Inat and other staff attended the 2022 International Public Works Engineers Australasian Excellence Awards night held at the Adelaide Convention Centre on Wednesday, May 4 where Council received the Award for ‘Best Public Works Project of the Year under $2 million’.
The project was acknowledged as the best in this category across both Australia and New Zealand over the last two years.
The award, backed by the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia, recognised the $1.6 million transformation of Gawler’s Walker Place from a through-road into a unique, beautified public plaza.
“Council is absolutely thrilled and honoured that our redevelopment of Walker Place has received this international recognition,” Mayor Redman said.
“This bold, ambitious and visionary project has completely transformed the heart of Gawler’s CBD into a civic plaza space for the community and visitors alike, and this award has showcased what our Town has achieved far and wide.
“It’s another affirmation that Council’s decision to undertake this redevelopment was the right one for Gawler and has added much to the social fabric of our community.”
The rejuvenation of the space, which was part-funded by a $1 million State Government Places for People grant, included upgrades to the surrounding precinct such as the new public amenity blocks at Apex Park and Martin’s Place, construction of the Mural Pocket Park on Whitelaw Terrace, together with new landscaping throughout these areas.
“Council has always been extremely proud of the work that went into redeveloping Walker Place and how it was delivered, but to be acknowledged with an international award by our sector peers is even further justification for how transformational this project has been for Gawler,” Mr Inat said.
“I commend our staff and everyone at the Town of Gawler involved in bringing our vision to reality, setting out from the start to be an exemplar project in all facets. We will celebrate this accolade as an organisation.”
The redevelopment has delivered:
• High-quality shared spaces which integrate seamlessly with private spaces
• An area in the CBD specifically designed for community event activation
• Water Sensitive Urban Designed landscapes
• Cultural Heritage recognition through artwork
• Smart City technologies in Wayfinding and lighting solutions
• Trees for shading in summer
• Improved accessibility
• Integrated car parking and urban form which facilitates lower vehicle speeds