The Urban Development Institute of Australia Queensland (UDIA) has joined Toowoomba Regional Council to re-sign a key business agreement between the parties.
Toowoomba Region Mayor Paul Antonio said re-signing of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Urban Development Institute of Australia Queensland (UDIA) underlined Council’s strong emphasis on ethical and respectful working relationships.
“Council is proud to join the UDIA in re-signing the agreement,” Mayor Antonio said.
“The move reinforces our willingness to work with the development industry to achieve a much better urban and built environment for residents and visitors.
“We are planning to cater for an additional 55,000 people, who are forecast to live and work in our Region up to 2051.
“There is an obvious need for Council to be working in close cooperation with the development industry, given its members will be building our suburbs, shopping centres and factories.
“The Toowoomba Region will continue to be a destination of choice for new residents and investors in the coming years.
“Council will play its part by rolling out the essential urban trunk infrastructure that will support our anticipated growth.
“Re-signing the document allows Council to promote our Region and attract investment for future development.
“The memorandum also helps us to advance good planning and development, while keeping our community well informed about development issues.”