Planting for a greener tomorrow

Latrobe City Mayor Cr Kellie O’Callaghan and students celebrated National Tree Day.

Members of the Melbourne Stars WBBL cricket team joined Narracan Primary School and Albert Street Primary School students for the 2022 Schools Tree Day in the Moe Botanic Gardens recently.

National Tree Day is Australia’s largest community tree planting and nature care event. The day is a call to action for all Australians to get their hands dirty and give back to their community.

Each year, around 300,000 people volunteer their time to engage in environmental activities that educate Australians about the world around them.

On Schools Tree Day, more than 3000 students participate nationwide in environmental activities ranging from planting bush tucker gardens, building habitat for native wildlife, nature play and more.

Bunnings Morwell supported the event by donating 130 pairs of gardening gloves for students and helpers and assisted during the plantings.

Melbourne Stars general manager Blair Crouch welcomed the opportunity to work with Latrobe City Council and the local community to help raise awareness of our ongoing environmental challenges.

“After launching Team Green yesterday, led by our ambassador, Stars and Australian player Adam Zampa, it’s wonderful to get out into the community to begin our work.

“Team Green is a really important initiative for us, with the goal being to promote the importance of environmental sustainability, become a more environmentally conscious club, and actively reduce our impact on the planet.

“Schools Tree Day is an important date on our calendar of events and we hope that through cricket and the Melbourne Stars, we can help educate the next generation about the importance of sustainability and the environment.”

Latrobe City Mayor, Cr Kellie O’Callaghan joined in the planting and inspected work carried out earlier in the day by Narracan Primary School students.

“Council has been extremely pleased to host members of the Melbourne Stars to join in Schools Tree Day with our local students. This has been an excellent opportunity for Team Green to engage with our young people while demonstrating the importance of supporting our environment.

“This has been a memorable moment for all the students who participated. They were so excited to make their mark on our local landscape!”

“Council has been working actively to restore waterways and bushland areas to improve the health and wellbeing of our community and environment. We are proud these efforts complement the plantings made today,” said Cr O’Callaghan.