Successful water funding

Twoo water tanks were recently installed at the cross-section of Callaghans Lane and Tooheys Close in Gordon.

Moorabool Shire Council has successfully secured funding on behalf of Ballan Fire Brigade and Gordon Fire Brigade via the Victorian Government’s Fire Access Road Subsidy Scheme (FARSS) for a new Fire Access Track in Ingliston and a Static Water Supply in Gordon.

The strategic water supply will provide two x 26,000 litres of potentially life-saving water for firefighting, with two water tanks recently installed at the cross-section of Callaghans Lane and Tooheys Close in Gordon.

North Gordon is identified as high risk in the Victorian Fire Risk Register, and previous response times for firefighting were slowed due to no reticulated water in the area.

“The benefit of the static water supply in Callaghans Lane is highlighted by a recent shed fire in the area prior to the installation of the tanks when it took tankers more than 30 minutes to travel to the then-nearest known water to fill up and return,” Ballan Group of Fire Brigades Group Officer, Shane Cramer said.

Emergency vehicle access to the Werribee Gorge, Falcons Lookout and surrounding areas will be greatly improved with a new Fire Access Track constructed in Ingliston.

Falcons Track, previously an unofficial access track that in sections required a 4WD due to its rough terrain, has now been transformed into a properly designated Fire Access Track for all aspects of firefighting, rescue and other emergencies.

“Communities in Gordon and Ingliston will now be better protected ahead of next fire season,” said Moorabool Mayor, Cr Tom Sullivan.

“The Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee were instrumental in securing this funding and will continue to work on improving and upgrading fire safety in Moorabool,” added Cr Sullivan.

Moorabool Shire Council secured $9260 for Gordon’s strategic water supply through a grant application to the Victorian Government’s FARSS, with council contributing the remaining $4800 to the total $14,430 project.

The new $15,535 Fire Access Track saw a contribution of $13,593 from State Government and $1,942 from council.