Representatives from local government councils collectively met with the Chief Minister earlier this month to discuss anti-social behaviour (ASB) across the Northern Territory.
As the sphere of government closest to the community, local government councils have a key role to play in improving the quality of life of its people and the meeting went a long way in letting the Chief know that councils want to be part of the solution to ASB.
The meeting also talked to the need for genuine, meaningful and targeted place-based solutions to ASB that includes local government. Councils are already doing amazing things in regard to the prevention of ASB but can do more, with more.
One of the ideas mentioned was that of co-investment, that is councils and the other two spheres of government and relevant stakeholders co-investing in important preventive initiatives such as sport, art and recreation services and infrastructure.
An important message conveyed was that local government council staff and elected members are also dealing first-hand with the increase in ASB including personal attacks and senseless destruction of council assets which results in the cessation of services.
Local government council staff are feeling unsafe in their towns and communities, and they are finding it increasingly difficult to deliver services and employ and retain staff. Councils are also seeing the flow on effects of ASB on business and economic development.
This sentiment was summarised by the Mayor of Tiwi Islands Regional Council, Pirrawayingi, that “abnormal has become the new normal”. This is not acceptable. Nor is the fix simple – but locals know the issues and often the answers.
The Local Government Association of the Northern Territory (LGANT) president, the Hon Kon Vatskalis, closed the meeting by reminding the Chief Minister that local government councils want to work with her government and the public service to reduce ASB – now councils need to see that intent returned.
“Let’s empower our local government councils and elected members to be part of the answer.”
LGANT, the peak body representing the local government sector in the Territory, welcomes the constructive conversation and looks forward to working with the Chief Minister’s office on the next steps.