Swim Centre transforms

The pool work is underway.

The Ryan Mitchell Swim Centre at Port Augusta is transforming under the current refurbishments.

The structure of the main pool has been modified to create a new access ramp, new plant room foundations are complete, pipework to the minor pools is underway, and the new children’s splash pad is taking shape.

“It is gratifying to see the works progressing and the promise of a revitalised pool becoming a reality,” Mayor Brett Benbow stated.

“Council would like to thank the Local Government Infrastructure Partnership Program and the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program for providing over $1 million and $700,000 respectively to help fund this $3 million project.”

The project will replace the pipes, the plant room and equipment, install an access ramp into the pool, install a new pool liner, and install a new children’s splash pad with sprinklers, splash buckets and water cannons.

Council have responded to community feedback and will be including shade sails over the children’s splash pad, and keep it separate from the nearby toddler pool.

Works are still in progress and a grand opening is expected for late January 2023.