Biologically diverse Geraldton striving for a greener future

Mayor Shane Van Styn.

By Shane Van Styn, Mayor Of Greater Geraldton

He is Western Australia’s best-known boxing Mayor but there is a lot more to Greater Geraldton’s Shane Van Styn than Channel Ten program appearances, headlines and charity boxing matches. Van Styn is a CPA Accountant and passionate about his region as LG Focus found out when “Stonecold” Van Styn sat down to answer this month’s mayor’s profile questions.

Greater Geraldton is one of the most biodiverse regions in the world and comprises of the stunning Abrolhos Islands to the west, the wildflower mecca of Mullewa to the east, and the historic Greenough to the south.

Our Local Government Authority (LGA) is unique for the number and variety of assets we manage for our community including the Geraldton Airport, Meru Waste Management Facility, Geraldton Regional Art Gallery, Queens Park Theatre and Geraldton Regional Library, Queen Elizabeth II Seniors and Community Centre, Bowerbird, Geraldton Multipurpose Centre, Geraldton Visitor Centre and the Geraldton Aquarena.

Greater Geraldton is extremely fortunate to have most of the facilities you would expect in a major city whilst our residents can still enjoy all the benefits of coastal living.

My favourite part of our Council area is the Geraldton Foreshore. The Geraldton Foreshore features a wide cycle path that meanders alongside some of our beautiful beaches and past an array of cafes, restaurants, public art installations and barbecue areas. It is one of the most beloved focal points of our community and I love it.


I became involved in Local Government after regular attendance at Council Meetings made it apparent to me that our Council needed a renewed focus and change in direction. I have been on Council since 2011 and have served as Mayor since 2015.

I am a CPA Accountant, so I have a keen understanding of finance and the need to balance the books. Sound financial management is vital so that our community has the resources to maintain our existing assets as well as achieve the outcomes highlighted in our Strategic Community Plan whilst avoiding unnecessary rises in Council rates.

I am also the Director of Forefront Security. Forefront Security specialises in guarding government and commercial properties as well as ATM servicing. Being involved with a commercial entity that operates all over the Midwest gives me a firsthand experience of the challenges faced by businesses in the region and insight into how we can best move forward together.


Geraldton is such a vibrant place that it is impossible to get bored here. Outside of work hours I enjoy going fishing as well as diving for rock lobster. I also spend a lot of time in the boxing gym especially if I have a fight coming up.


Our commitment to a greener and innovative future for our region saw the recent launch of Geraldton’s e-scooter trial. The arrival of the e-scooters provides a fun, safe and affordable transport alternative for both visitors and locals alike. Additionally, our fantastic weather and abundance of connected paths make Geraldton the perfect place to utilise this new transport option.

As part of our City Centre Revitalisation Plan we are also currently in the process of upgrading the park attached to the Geraldton Regional Art Gallery (GRAG). GRAG Park itself is over a hundred years old and of considerable historic significance to the area as the site of the original Council Chambers. The project will completely transform the space and feature a new accessible toilet facility, improved landscaping, seating and areas to temporarily display public art. By improving this park in the heart of the City we will add vibrancy to the area creating a further attraction for visitors and locals alike.

The City of Greater Geraldton was awarded Silver this year at the GWN7 Top Tourism Town Awards. This result is particularly satisfying for us as an organisation as it recognises our commitment to tourism excellence and shows that people from outside of our region are now realising what we have known-all along, that Geraldton is a great place to be.