Natural beauty and understanding

Cr Laura Binks, Mayor of Strathbogie Shire, Victoria.

By Cr Laura Binks, Mayor, Strathbogie Shire

Strathbogie Shire is located on Taungurung Country and Yorta Yorta Country in northeast Victoria, just 90 minutes’ drive from Melbourne.

The region is renowned for its exceptional wines, leading equine industry, and long sheep and cropping history, with many farmers embracing regenerative farming practices.

However, it is the natural beauty, majestic waterways, granite hills, incredible gum trees and abundance of native flora and fauna that draw many people to Strathbogie Shire.

My favourite after-work activity is rambling among the granite, gums and wildflowers in the Mount Wombat-Garden Range Nature Conservation Reserve.


Decompressing from a busy Mayoral day in this gorgeous, yet simple, natural environment is essential to my wellbeing.

I was elected to council in November 2020 while participating in the Fairley Community Leadership Program. It was the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic and my work situation had changed significantly by the time nominations came around.

Therefore, standing for council felt like a good opportunity to put my community leadership learnings into practice.

When not advocating for all matters Strathbogie Shire or reading briefing papers and agendas, I love working on the family farm, walking in the beautiful local bush, dancing to Lizzo and making time to work on my art practice, which has been rather neglected since I took on the role of Mayor.


Being a small rural council, Strathbogie Shire has the challenge of maintaining our existing infrastructure and assets, and providing new and improved infrastructure and assets, on a very small budget.

We maintain 2204km of roads, (1469km unsealed, 735km sealed), 520 bridges and culverts, and 405 buildings and structures.

Keeping up with community expectation on such a tight budget is a constant challenge. We take part in important advocacy work to ensure we can secure State and Federal funding.

We are currently advocating for funding to build the Greening Euroa Project pipeline which will see treated recycled water recirculated back through the township of Euroa.

This will ensure our schools, sports grounds, parks and award-winning Euroa Arboretum are kept green in times of drought.

The innovative, collaborative project is community led, climate smart and will demonstrate rural resilience.

You can find out more on our Council website about this fantastic community driven project which is a Victorian-first.


We are proud at Strathbogie Shire Council to be the first local government area to have a Memorandum of Understanding with the Taungurung Land and Water Council (TLaWC).

This important document is a significant step towards reconciliation with the Taungurung Traditional Owner Group and sets up guidelines as to how we can work with TLaWC achieve their goals of healing country, healing community.

I really enjoy the opportunities I have to advocate for the shire. Speaking to our many partners, supporters, stakeholders, and politicians in other levels of government about Strathbogie Shire’s important matters is a huge privilege.

My greatest challenge is assisting community understand that the role of councillors is to set the long-term strategic direction of Council, ensure good governance and the financial sustainability of the organisation, which means making tough decisions at times.

I am excited to see our future Community Panel come to fruition after it was recently endorsed by councillors.

The panel will ensure we are providing best practice community engagement and I’m looking forward to the increased participation such a panel will enable. Having community participate in our decision making process will enable us to make better informed choices for the future of this beautiful, vibrant area.