Circular Head councils brighten lives

Council workers brighten lives.

A visit to the Circular Head Council offices in recent times or taking in some of Council’s outdoor workforce out and about would have been a colourful surprise for most.

The council workers have been wearing very bright and colourful shirts.

The new shirts come from TradeMutt, which is a social enterprise workwear company who create eye-catching tradie workwear designed to start and normalise conversations about mental health and suicide.

For several years, on the last Friday of every month, Council office staff have been leaving their more formal office-wear at home and dressing casually for their monthly charity fundraiser day.

Now, with the help of TradeMutt, the casual dress day can be transformed into eye-catching funky shirt day as well.

The shirts have ‘This Is A Conversation Starter’ (TIACS) embroidered across the back and are designed to make an invisible issue impossible to ignore.

When the QR code sewn into the front left pocket is scanned it sends you directly to a website containing TIACS information and contact details (

Through the sale of workwear, TradeMutt helps fund TIACS, which is a free mental health support service direct to counsellors, which can be reached on 0488 846 988 from 8am to 10pm, Monday to Friday.