Health initiative awarded

Wodonga award winners.

Staff at Southern Rise Kindergarten, operated by Wodonga Council, have provided a shining example of how easy it can be to implement a simple change to aid in embedding a strong and positive working culture for the future.

The Southern Rise Kindergarten team recently won council’s Excellence in Safety Award for taking learnings from health and wellbeing sessions provided by the council in an approach driven by the team and for the benefit of the team.

At the end of each day, the team implemented a 10-minute team debriefing session after all students had left and before staff headed home, to support their resilience at work and daily transition from work life to home life.

The team implemented the simple practice of having a cup of tea, coffee or water and taking the time to unpack the challenges of the day in a supportive and understanding environment where they were there to support one another.

The time was also used to highlighting the wins for the day so that employees headed home with a positive mindset.

The council has a 12-month program with a local physiotherapy practice focusing on employee health and wellbeing.

It aims to promote a strong organisational safety culture that moves beyond mitigation of workplace risk to also positively benefiting individuals in their commitment to full and healthy personal and professional lives.