Adapting a tried and tested program from Victoria, the City of Kwinana in WA has helped establish a Junior Neighbourhood Watch Program at Orelia Primary School.
As part of the program, 14 students from Year 6 wrote the letters about the new initiative and asked residents to keep an eye on their school during the holidays.
The students then door-knocked and delivered the notes along Bolton Way with local police officers in the last week of school.
Mayor Carol Adams said five of those Junior Neighbourhood Watch members met the Governor at Government House to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Neighbourhood Watch in WA.
Mayor Adams commended the school for recently signing up to Your Move, which is a free program run by Department of Transport helping students to get active by increasing walking, scooting and riding to school.
“On 23 September, the City of Kwinana rolled out the red carpet for Orelia Primary School students who chose to ride, walk or scoot to school,” Mayor Adams said.
“Teachers said it was fantastic to see local police cheering the students on as they came across the red carpet.
“Many children made use of the brand-new shared path along Gilmore Avenue which is the first shared-use path along a city-owned road, allowing both pedestrians and cyclists to safely use the pathway,” she said.
“We are proud to have been able to help make it easier and safer for children to keep active, and it has been lovely to see them engage in community safety initiatives within the City of Kwinana,” Mayor Adams said.