Temora tourism boost through upgrade

Architectual drawings of the museum upgrade.

Big plans are in the works for Temora’s Ambulance Museum thanks to the NSW Government’s Create NSW – Creative Capital Minor Works and Equipment Round One funding.

“The existing Temora Ambulance Museum is entrusted with the care and exhibition of the heritage collections of both the NSW and ACT Ambulance Services,” said Museum Manager, Bill Speirs.

“This project will enable us to begin addressing the competing imperatives of protecting a large, State significant collection, including numerous vulnerable large objects, while curating the collection to provide a much more engaging and rewarding visitor experience.”

The project will deliver the planning documents for a new two-storey 3,613m2 space which will comprise secure and appropriate storage for the growing collection and allow the creation of a publicly accessible, comprehensive and interactive exhibition space. The space will also appropriately convey an understanding of the heritage of the NSW and ACT Ambulance Services.

“The ground floor of the building will contain the entry gallery, amenities, auditorium, display area for the heritage vehicle collection, and a records storage area,” said Mr Speirs.

“The first floor will contain the main exhibition space. Pedestrian access to this floor will be via the main internal staircase and internal lifts,” he said.

Loading access for vehicles, delivery of display items, and staff parking will be provided along the eastern elevation of the site via an access handle off Hinde Street. The building will be steel framed with metal cladding and roofing.

This portion of the funding is provided for the preparation of planning documents. Council will seek future funding for construction should the Development Application be approved.

“Due to the value of the project and as Council is the applicant, the project meets the threshold to be considered regionally significant,” said Mr Speirs. “Therefore, the development application will be determined by the Southern Regional Planning Panel on a yet to be confirmed date.”

Temora Shire Mayor Rick Firman is excited for the progression of this project.

“It is marvellous to think that the vision of the late Eddie Sams to collect and exhibit ambulance memorabilia has led us to this – the precipice of the construction of another world-class museum right here in the Temora Shire,” said Cr Firman.

“I commend our Museum Manager, Mr Bill Speirs, for his efforts in getting the project to this stage. The precision and care taken in preparing the funding application and documentation has shown his dedication and belief in this exciting project,” he said.

“This development will further cement Temora Shire as a tourism destination and encourage visitation from travellers far and wide.”

The Temora Ambulance Museum, Temora Rural Museum and Temora Aviation Museum are all must-do tourism activities in the Riverina region.