NT delegation address committee


A delegation of senior leaders from the remote community of Maningrida in the Northern Territory, travelled to Canberra recently to give testimony in person to the Joint Standing Committee for the Senate Inquiry into the sunsetting of the Stronger Futures legislation.

Together, this group of key stakeholders, including Maningrida Traditional Land Owners, senior leaders and CEOs and Chairs of local peak organisations, strongly believe there has been no material benefit to their community or the broader West Arnhem region as a result of the $3.4 billion given to the Northern Territory Government for this legislation over 10 years.

They gave testimony that no improvements to any ‘Closing the Gap’ metrics have been made as a result of this legislation, and that the promises made to Aboriginal people to drive positive change for extra housing, jobs, health, education and community safety have not been delivered.

Along with telling the Joint Standing Committee their community’s story, this group of senior leaders also provided a series of solid recommendations and local solutions to address these serious social matters for their people.