Bishop joins as keynote speaker

Julie Bishop was deputy leader of the Federal Liberal Party for 11 years

The Hon Julie Bishop will be the keynote speaker at the ALGWA 2023 National Conference on Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula in May.

Hosted by ALGWA Victoria and the Mornington Peninsula Shire from 17-20 May, the conference brings together councillors and officers from across Australia to advance female participation in local government and put a spotlight on issues facing women in the sector.

Ms Bishop was one of Australia’s most recognised and respected politicians at home and abroad with a 20-year parliamentary career which saw her achieve her goal of being Australia’s first female Minister for Foreign Affairs.

She was deputy leader of the Federal Liberal Party for 11 years and is currently the first female Chancellor of Australian National University, appointed in 2020.

In 2022 Ms Bishop was awarded the Sir Edward “Weary” Dunlop AsiaLink Medal for her contribution to Australian diplomacy, women’s empowerment and Australia’s integration with the Indo-Pacific.

She will be joined by Tasneem Chopra, a highly sought after MC and keynote speaker, whose skill as a cross-cultural consultant inform her stage presence of impeccable wit and deft understanding. She imbues issues of diversity, identity and inclusion across frontiers of leadership, innovation and disruption.

Simon Kuestenmacher has also been announced as a guest speaker. Simon is a director and co-founder of The Demographics Group, which provides specialist advice on demographic, consumer and social trends for business. His presentations and quirky observations are enjoyed by diverse groups.

This year’s event is being held at the RACV Cape Schanck Resort on Victoria’s stunning Mornington Peninsula, offering a chance to not only network and benefit from the peer support offered by ALGWA but also linger a little longer on the Mornington Peninsula and explore the natural wonders, tour the world-class wineries and visit the many attractions.

Bookings are currently open for the event with delegates having several options to choose from: pick your conference package based on your preferred inclusions, choose your experience from the Friday activities on offer and select a gift from local Mornington Peninsula produce

To book for only the Welcome Function (Wednesday) or Gala Dinner (Friday), please contact Mornington Peninsula Shire directly.

Please note that only one registrant can be booked per transaction.