Using turf pigments and grass paint to colour turf and lawns

Before and after shots.

By Daryl Davidson

Turf pigments and grass paints have become very popular and are being used by home lawn owners and professional turf managers.

Their technology has evolved over the years although all of these products use a base pigment called Green Seven.

In recent years innovations such as incorporating biostimulants, adjuvants and Quick Dry Technology have all improved their performance.

User error is, unfortunately, still the major cause of problems when you use these. In order to avoid issues it is very important the label is closely followed.

To answer some tough questions I have reached out to Gilba Solutions whose experience with turf pigments goes back to the introduction of BASF’s Vision Pro and more recently developed Vertmax and Vertmax Duo pigment.

Q.What is a pigment?

A. The term turf pigments refers to either the pigments or colourings found in grasses and other turf plants or turf colourants used to mask turf and improve its colour. The main pigments found in turf are chlorophyll, carotenoids, anthocyanins and flavonoids.

Chlorophyll is the pigment that gives grass its green colour and is responsible for photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy. It is found in plant cells and has magnesium as its central atom.

Carotenoids are pigments that give turf a yellow or orange hue. These are responsible for absorbing excess light energy and protecting the plant from damage. They are also known to have antioxidant properties.

Anthocyanins give turf a red or purple colour and are produced by plants in response to environmental stress, such as high light intensity or drought.

Flavonoids are pigments are responsible for a range of colors, such as red, purple or blue, and are also known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

The presence and concentration of these pigments can vary depending on the species of grass and the environment it is grown in.

A Turf colourant or turf paint or turf dye is a product that is used to change or enhance the colour of turfgrass. It is typically a liquid which you apply to the turf through a sprayer. The colourant is usually made of organic or inorganic pigments that are safe for use on turf. It is designed to be long-lasting, weather-resistant, and easy to apply.

For more information, go to

Q. Will it stain clothing or pets?

A. If the directions are followed and they are given time to dry properly no they won’t. Always be aware that drying time is often affected by the temperature. Also some products don’t incorporate stickers to speed up the drying time.

Q. Can it be used all year round and what are the benefits?

A. Green Seven as a stand-alone application helps screen UV light and basically filters out the “bad stuff”. Products like Vertmax Duo incorporate a biostimulant and an adjuvant to help turf even more. The biostimulant helps with root growth and acts as an elicitir of plant response that helps turf fight against st biotic stress.

Q. What situations should it be used in?

A. As a supplier all situations lol. Honestly though they can be used in all situations are probably most effective on warm season turf heading into dormancy.

Jerry Spencer BSC Hons Soil Science, Grad Dip

Gilba Solutions Pty Ltd


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