Water treatment for Delegate


Snowy Monaro Regional Council is in the design phase for the construction of a brand new water treatment plant for the village of Delegate on the New South Wales-Victoria border.

The new treatment plant will use the latest filtration and membrane technology to output high quality drinking water even if the raw water source is affected by wet weather or high sediment.

Residents in this community currently receive non-potable water from the Delegate River. The new treatment plant means Delegate will enjoy a high standard of treated drinking water, equal in quality to the largest towns in our region.

The community is currently not being charged for their non-potable water usage, and council is undertaking an education campaign with residents and community leaders to ensure the Delegate community is ready for this major transition.

Council’s communications team and staff from the water and wastewater operations team attended a community engagement pop-up session in Delegate last month. The purpose of this session was to provide information about the new water treatment plant and education around water usage habits.

Council is taking this opportunity to engage with the community about water conservation by reducing water waste, improve water usage habits and increase water literacy.