Bolstering mental health as an organisational priority

Victor Harbor working to promote a healthy workplace.

While working in a local government setting is rewarding, it can also be very challenging for staff as they prioritise competing demands in a bid to meet ever-growing community expectations. A healthy workplace culture and mental health support networks are essential to ensuring the overall wellbeing of employees.

The City of Victor Harbor, as part of its commitment to providing a healthy and safe workplace, has implemented a Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Program, which has been awarded Gold Accreditation by MHFA Australia. Working alongside MHFA Australia for several years, Council has raised mental health first aid as an organisational priority and expanded education and resources available to staff.

As part of the MHFA Program, training is offered to a broad range of staff across various departments, and a refresher training is provided every three years. Through the training, staff become designated MHFA Officers. This essentially means they are equipped with the knowledge and skills to support colleagues who may be experiencing a difficult time. Rolling out the MHFA training has created a broad, diverse network of accessible MHFA Officers within the workplace.

The City of Victor Harbor also has an Employee Assistance Program, which is designed to help employees requiring confidential and independent personal or professional support.

Strengthening mental health first aid has proven to have far-reaching benefits, not only for council staff but also the community at large. Awareness in this area has a flow on effect of building local capacity for mental health response in the community.

By supporting the mental health of staff, the City of Victor Harbor can also reduce workplace absences. This is a preventative risk mitigation strategy with the added benefit of improving workplace culture.