The Shire of Murray has been endorsed as a Waterwise Council for 10 years. First recognised as a Waterwise Council in 2014, the Shire of Murray have since received reendorsement as a Gold Waterwise Council since 2020 with a Gold Waterwise Aquatic Centre.
Being a Waterwise Council means that the Shire creates cool, liveable, green and sustainable places where people want to live, work and spend their time. Along with a best-practice waterwise verge policy, a dedicated water management team and a sustainable waterwise-endorsed aquatic centre.
Waterwise communities provide healthy, natural environments that support a range of social, ecological and economic benefits.
The Shire runs annual programs including the Waterwise ‘Adopt a Verge’ program, which encourages residents to establish waterwise verge gardens offering rebates for doing so.
Along with Waterwise plant giveaways to encourage residents to use Waterwise plants in their gardens, free of charge.