The Town of Cambridge has progressed in developing its Precinct Structure Plan for the Floreat Activity Centre, to transform the Precinct into a vibrant urban landscape.
The Town resolved to prepare a plan to guide this evolution of the Floreat Activity Centre, in the form of a Precinct Structure Plan (PSP). A PSP is a holistic plan for an area’s development that considers the land’s physical, governance, community context and design elements across urban ecology, urban structure, public realm, movement, land use, and built form.
“The PSP will identify and contextualise appropriate land use and development controls that best reflect the priorities and vision of our current and future community,” Mayor Gary Mack said.
In February and March 2024, the Town hosted four community workshops and one open day to facilitate community visioning for the Floreat PSP area.
The purpose of the four workshops was to enable community members to express their aspirations and concerns about future developments in and around the area.
Approximately 300 community members registered to participate over the course of the four evening workshops.
The Town is committed to building upon shared aspirations for the Floreat Activity Centre captured in previous workshops and engagement to date.
To build upon feedback received to date and support the PSP development, the Town has appointed a Community Working Group (CWG) comprised of the Mayor, three Elected Members, and three community representatives.
“The Town is collaborating with the CWG to validate your community voice and influence strategic and technical outcomes of the PSP,” the mayor said.
“The CWG will represent community feedback on matters which require knowledge to be built under the guidance of technical experts for specific design and strategic outcomes,” Mayor Mack added.
“We will continue to provide timely project updates and promote further opportunities for engagement through our social media, website, e-newsletter, and Cambridge News.”
The Town’s Local Planning Strategy (LPS), endorsed by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) in 2021, provides robust direction on the future of land use and development within the Town, including growth consolidation to key areas.
The LPS recognises that the Floreat Activity Centre will evolve over time to accommodate medium to high-density mixed-use development with increased functions in housing, employment, and activity.