First term Mayor making a difference

Mayor of Cardinia Shire Council, Cr Jack Kowarzik.

Driven by a desire to amplify the good in the community and address its challenges head-on, Mayor of Cardinia Shire Council, Cr Jack Kowarzik reflects on his first term.

It was just four years ago when Jack, a passionate supporter of financial literacy, community safety, environmental conservation, local history, and better infrastructure for growing communities, decided that he wanted to serve the community not just for the present, but for future generations.

“I’ve lived in Pakenham for over two decades and the growth has been phenomenal. We’ve managed to keep that community connection that is prevalent in smaller towns which is great, yet there are still pockets of disadvantage that exist. I wanted to ensure that plans for community infrastructure met the demands of our growing population. I didn’t have a strong connection to place until we moved to Pakenham. I decided to give back to the town that welcomed us and that eventuated with me running for Council.”

Elected as Mayor in 2023, Cr Kowarzik has embraced his responsibilities with gratitude and a profound sense of duty. He acknowledges that managing the wide-ranging expectations of councillors and the council amidst challenging economic circumstances is one of the toughest parts of his job. Balancing limited resources while striving to meet the diverse needs of the community is no small feat. Yet, the opportunity to make a real difference in people’s lives far outweighs these challenges. Engaging with residents, understanding their needs, and working collaboratively brings him immense fulfillment.

“It’s been a whirlwind four years. I’ve had the opportunity to experience being a first term Councillor, Deputy Mayor and Mayor in such a short space of time. This has afforded me the opportunity to really engage with the community right across Cardinia Shire, and embrace different leadership challenges.”

Mayor Kowarzik introduced “Meet the Mayor” sessions, actively connecting with residents. He believes in representational democracy, emphasising that elected officials must engage with their communities.

“The challenges facing Cardinia Shire—rapid growth, housing affordability, family violence, and climate change—are ever-present. As Councillors, we grapple with these pressing issues daily, striving to make informed decisions for the community. That’s why I really prioritise engaging with the community.”

Mayor Kowarzik’s dedication to his community is evident in his multifaceted roles within the council. He has served on various committees, prioritising informed decision-making and inclusivity. He has chaired the Multicultural Advisory Group, supporting Cardinia’s diverse population and been a member if the Audit and Risk Committee. Cr Kowarzik is proud of his participation in the Financial Wellbeing Action Team and the Together We Can Initiative, both designed to provide support services and awareness, recognising the significant impact these efforts have on the local community.

“It’s incredibly important that community members have a range of supports when they need them. It is equally important that we also invest in programs that help educate community members. For instance, this year financial literacy education sessions for parents, held at a children’s play centre were really well-received.”

Mayor Kowarzik’s leadership is grounded in doing what’s right for the community, especially during challenging times. His legacy lies in helping build a thriving, inclusive Cardinia Shire—a vision he invites all residents to share.