Landcare Awards expand

The 2020 Bob Hawke Landcare Award Winner - Andrew Stewart.

Nominations for the 2025 Bob Hawke Landcare Award have now opened and for the first time in its history, the award criteria have been expanded to include groups and organisations to be eligible for the $30,000 prize.

The Bob Hawke Landcare Award is a prestigious national honour that publicly recognises an individual, group, or organisation championing landcare and inspiring others to take action on their property or in their community. This award celebrates landcare and recognises excellence in sustainable agriculture.

The award is dedicated to the former Australian Prime Minister, the Hon. Bob Hawke AC, in recognition of his pivotal role in transforming landcare from a grassroots community initiative into a national movement, securing unique bipartisan support.

Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Julie Collins said the award recognised exceptional commitment to natural resource management and sustainable agriculture.

“Whether through being a landcare champion, a remarkable leader or a sustainable farm practice innovator, the Bob Hawke Landcare Award acknowledges the remarkable commitment people demonstrate to caring for the land.

“The award highlights the ways people are helping their communities through improved sustainable land management practices and efforts to share knowledge with others.”

Landcare Australia CEO Dr Shane Norrish reflected on Bob Hawke’s integral role in establishing Landcare Australia as a national organisation 35 years ago and his commitment to increase the adoption of the landcare movement across Australia.

“For over a decade, this award has paid tribute to the late Bob Hawke, whose contributions to landcare and environmental conservation have created a lasting legacy. Today, landcare is one of Australia’s largest volunteer movements, bringing together thousands of individuals, groups, and communities in addressing local environmental challenges.

“The decision to expand the awards criteria to include groups and organisations for the first time rightly reflects the growth of the landcare movement. There has been significant innovation and progress in sustainable land management across Australia, and I’m convinced that the calibre of applications will be outstanding and will certainly inspire landcarers.”

The 2025 Bob Hawke Landcare Award winner will receive a $30,000 prize and be announced at the National Landcare Awards Gala Dinner on Tuesday 23 September, 2025. Nominations for the Bob Hawke Landcare Award close 31 December, 2024.

The Bob Hawke Landcare Award is funded by the Australian Government’s Natural Heritage Trust. Landcare Australia administers the Bob Hawke Landcare Award on behalf of the Australian Government.

For more information about the Bob Hawke Landcare Award go to: