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Reducing the road toll

Greater Lithgow is one of 12 Councils in NSW selected to develop a Road Safety Plan. Situated at the western gateway to Sydney,...

Facelift for local lakes

Providing the district with a variety of recreational and other uses, previously Lake Pillans had suffered from neglect and misuse. For much of...

Tourism Online

Greater Lithgow has a wide range of natural and built attractions. Its very active Tourism Association has been working hard to make the...

Where there’s smoke

While smoke alarms are mandatory in most new houses around Australia, it is older housing stock, with ageing electrical wiring and greater use...

LGAQ celebrates 100 years

The Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) recently staged its Centenary Annual Conference. Hosted by Brisbane City Council, the theme for this Conference...


As Peter Costello works to convince Australians this is the Budget we had to have', Councils across the nation are reeling from the...

Brave new world of communications

"Solicitors, banks, governments, publishers, retailers, business generally and Local Government are all readily taking up new technology, because if they don't, their competitors...

Asset management made easy

The requirement for Local Authorities to comply with AAS27 reporting standards for Asset Management has been seen as a challenge by...

Local Government and democratisation

Councillor Peter Woods OAM, the Mayor of Concord in New South Wales and President of the Local Government Association in that State, has...

Lobbying Canberra

Speaking at Queensland's recent Centenary Annual Conference, David Plumridge, President of the Australian Local Government Association, highlighted the important work carried out by...

Pine Rivers leader in training

Pine Rivers Shire Council in south east Queensland is at the forefront of benchmarking and enterprise bargaining. Council recently received a $59,000 Federal...

Interactive induction program

South Australia's Local Government Training Authority and Adelaide City Council, with the assistance of Quoin Technology, are developing a two module interactive multi...

Latest News

Waste Expo Australia

The Waste Expo Australia will be opening its doors in October to over 3,000 attendees, including representatives from waste services, landfill, government, consultancy and...