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Celebrating dedicated service

Dubbo Regional Council (DRC) is this year celebrating Raymond (John) Fardell’s half-century of dedicated service to local government. Mr Fardell began his career in 1974...

Multicultural workshop for Lorne

Visitor Information Centre and other Surf Coast Shire volunteers, staff, and community members, gathered on Wednesday 22 May, at Stribling Reserve, in Lorne for...

Burnt and derelict houses – demolitions underway

Moree Plains Council have begun a ‘Burnt and Derelict Housing Enforcement Program 2024 – 2025’. Led by Council’s Special Projects Manager, James Maxwell, the Program,...

Neil Fisher remembered

Tributes are flowing for Rockhampton Region councillor Neil Fisher following his death on Monday. Cr Fisher was admitted to Rockhampton Hospital on Saturday, 27 April,...

Alice budgeting for the future

New and improved parks, upgrades to infrastructure and a focus on sustainability highlight the Alice Springs Town Council Draft 2024-25 Municipal Plan and Budget....

Net-zero focus

North Beaches Council transformed the Narrabeen Tramshed Community Arts Centre and Berry Reserve into its innovative initiative, Net Zero Expo on Sunday 2 June,...

Shepparton thinks purple

Greater Shepparton City Council started collection of their Purple Lid Bin for glass only on Monday 3 June. The 120 litre Purple Lid Bin...

Sustainably funded councils needed

Local governments could boost Australia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by up to $7 billion per year and create more liveable communities if councils were...

Mayors seek housing help

Queensland’s First Nation leaders will seek to meet with Federal Ministers in Canberra next next week in a bid to secure desperately-needed housing funding...

Turf transformation and water savings

The City of Armadale (WA) Parks Department have implemented a 12-month trial of a new water saving device Gwynne Park was identified as the...

Regional move podcast

Nearly 10 million people, or close to 40 per cent of Australia’s population, now live in regional Australia and for many of them it’s...

Snowy Monaro campaign continues

If it grows, it goes: Snowy Monaro’s FOGO education campaign aims to stick around. In February 2024, Snowy Monaro Regional Council launched a new initiative...

New mayor for Golden Plains

Golden Plains Shire Councillors have elected their leader for 2024-2025, with Cr Sarah Hayden to serve as Mayor for the first year of the...