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Dedicated staffer wins prestigious award

Earning community respect and trust to continue the important work of rehabilitating the Roe Eight corridor has earned a dedicated City of Cockburn staff...

Councils unite for quality aged care for residents

Bayside City Council has launched in-home and social support services for residents living in the Victorian municipality of Glen Eira, Glen Eira City Council. This...

Celebrating dedicated staff

Narromine Shire Council has celebrated the outstanding contributions of Terry Fulwood, Craig Turner and Marc Barton for their incredible 20 years of service each,...

Shellharbour striving for sustainable success

Shellharbour City Council’s commitment to sustainability starts at the top with Mayor Chris Homer, an avid surfer who can now tuck his boards into...

Jemena and GCE sign biomethane Memorandum of Understanding

Australia’s burgeoning renewable gas sector has taken another step forward with more biomethane slated to enter the New South Wales gas network in the...

Embracing digital transformation to deliver value

Councils across Australia are being urged to embrace digital service transformation. As business and community expectations evolve, Council capacity to provide essential services is increasingly...

New mayor for Golden Plains

Golden Plains Shire Councillors have elected their leader for 2024-2025, with Cr Sarah Hayden to serve as Mayor for the first year of the...

Charity scores big from gala

The City of Canning’s Camco Engineering Mayor’s Charity Gala Dinner set a new record, raising $85,291 for local charity Good Sammy Enterprises. November’s biennial...

Foreshore rehabilitation completed

The Shire of Murray has completed foreshore rehabilitation works at Yunderup Island, Cooleenup Island and Willow Gardens. Shire Chief Executive Officer, Dean Unsworth said...

New leadership for country mayors group

United by common challenges, Country Mayors of NSW are standing together like never before according to the group's new chairman. The Country Mayors Association...

Board looks to work closely with new Government

The Local Government Association of the Northern Territory (LGANT) announced the re-election of the Hon Kon Vatskalis, Lord Mayor of Darwin, as President of...

Scholarship to develop future leaders

Earlier this year, the Committee for Greater Shepparton (C4GS), in partnership with the Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC), held a forum where more...

Subi Street project endorsed

City of Subiaco Council have endorsed a bold and innovative new plan to transform the streets of Subiaco. The Subi Streets Project aims to rethink...