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Disaster ready funding shortfall

The Federal Government’s Disaster Ready Fund (DRF) is heavily oversubscribed and needs to be increased by at least $250 million per year to better...

Celebrations as important library reopens

In October 2023 the Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) Ti Tree library was reopened to the public after being renovated. A celebration was held,...

New library for Gosford

Work has begun on the new Gosford Regional Library in Donnison Street, Gosford. Council Administrator Rik Hart was joined by Dr Gordon Reid MP Member...

Greater Shepparton breaking down taboos on menopause

Greater Shepparton City Council is recognising the significance of all stages of menopause in a recently introduced operational policy that promotes awareness to all...

Weed detection a learning moment

A new sighting of the highly invasive State Priority Weed orange hawkweed was received, confirmed and treated in the same day by Snowy Monaro...

Remembering former Paramatta Lord Mayor

The City of Parramatta recognises the contribution and lasting legacy of former Lord Mayor Councillor Paul Barber. Mr Barber was raised in East Parramatta, educated...

Swan Hill stalwart John Fowler mourned

Swan Hill Rural City Council and Swan Hill Town Hall PACC have been deeply saddened by the passing of their esteemed former colleague, John...

Grant for Leeton housing

Leeton Shire Council is delighted to announce its successful bid for a $220,000 grant from the NSW Government, earmarked for the development of an...

Clarence Town recognised as future growth area in the Hunter

Clarence Town has been recognised by the NSW State government as a regional town primed for growth with Dungog Shire Council successfully lobbying for...

Still a lot to do

Local councils and communities can be proud of the close to 90 per cent of passenger, bus and truck tyres the nation recovers according...

From refugee to mayor of City of Maribyrnong

The City of Maribyrnong is home to a diverse, growing, and ever-changing population located in the inner west of Melbourne. Our city has one...

ALGA welcome inquiry

A new House of Representatives Standing Committee inquiry into local government sustainability has been welcomed by the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA). With additional responsibilities...

New mayor for Golden Plains

Golden Plains Shire Councillors have elected their leader for 2024-2025, with Cr Sarah Hayden to serve as Mayor for the first year of the...