Port Broughton shores up its defences*

Protection for Middle East military bases works against local storms and sea surges.

A product originally designed to provide protection to military bases in the Middle East is about to defend parts of the foreshore at Port Broughton, South Australia.

Andrew Cole, CEO of District Council of Barunga West, sought a coastal protection solution after two storms created damage last year.  Currently there are several coastal protection projects including the dune and beachfront adjoining the Port Broughton Caravan Park.

At the 2017 National General Assembly of Local Government conference in Canberra, Mr Cole saw a demonstration of DefenCell and immediately recognised the potential.

“We decided to contact Spearpoint and get a sample and evaluate its performance in a coastal application.

“Whilst its normal use is military protection, security and flood/erosion barriers, we saw DefenCell as a flexible, cost-effective solution in front of the caravan park.  We ran a coastal trial and monitored DefenCell’s performance in tidal sea movement including high tides.

“DefenCell maintained its integrity and we are very confident moving to a full deployment of DefenCell along the caravan park foreshore.  It is an easy product to use and there is potential for us to use it elsewhere on Council tasks.”

DefenCell is also about to be deployed by another South Australian coastal council.

*Copy supplied by Spearpoint