The right cover*

Is your council protected from excessive insurance fees?

Procurement Australia understand the challenges local government organisations face when it comes to managing risk due to the complex nature of the insurance premiums needed.

This year, we want to help councils procure the best risk management and insurance services for their needs, one that best manages risks whilst minimising your expenses. We aim to deliver substantial cost saving for any council seeking to review their existing arrangements in 2019.

In the lead up to your next renewal, we want you to feel confident that your premiums are in line with market rates and you are not paying too much for your insurances. We want you to be certain that your current insurance program will respond as needed in the event of a major incident or that you have the necessary balance sheet protection to endure a substantial loss.

InsureRight is a global insurance and risk management consultancy that is dedicated to ensuring:

  • your program mirrors your risks exposures
  • you have the broadest policy wordings available and
  • your existing provider is truly acting as your advocate.
  • We have acted for many organisations in diverse industries, including local government and would be happy to provide referees if required.
  • “VAGO found that councils undertaking an open and transparent tender obtained premium reductions for their property and PL/PI insurance, resulting in better value for money outcomes.”
  • Our Risk Management and Insurance Division welcomes the opportunity of meeting with you.

Get in touch insurance[@]
*Copy supplied by Procurement Australia