Connect, exchange, learn at IT2019*

Coffs Harbour City Council is organising the 22nd Local Government Information Technology Conference at Opal Cove Resort, Coffs Harbour, NSW, 27 to 29 November 2019.

IT2019 provides a forum for Local Government managers and support staff to network, learn and exchange ideas. The program will feature key speakers from government, the private sector, online organisations, and the broader computer and communications industries. 

Representatives of local, state and federal government agencies, and business corporations will be in attendance from throughout Australia.

This year’s topics include Council Case studies; Hybrid Enterprise cloud migration; Security; Internet of Things (IOT); Augmented reality (AR)\Virtual Reality (VR) in the enterprise; Artificial Intelligence\Machine learning; Digital disruption and Future Ways of Working. 

We invite you to submit an abstract for consideration as an oral presentation at the conference. 

Please email your abstract (maximum of 200 words) to

Please also include a brief background of yourself and your full contact details.

This year’s conference will feature high profile keynote speakers, including Allan Sparkes CV,OAM,VA,FRSN – not only one of Australia’s most decorated citizens but a nationally recognised advocate for the integration of proactive programs to reduce physiological ill health in Australian workplaces; and Mark Pesce – a leading futurist, author, entrepreneur and innovator who has been at the forefront of the digital revolution for thirty-five years.

An extensive trade exhibition and fun networking functions form an integral component of the conference. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to network with industry suppliers and keep up to date with latest developments in industry products and services.

We would like to thank our gold sponsors: Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Outcomex and Sophos as well as our 26 Silver sponsors, Coffee cart sponsors, Keynote speaker sponsors and Social sponsors. 

Visit for further information or contact Michelle Aubert from Countrywide Conference and Event Management – or 0408 791 492

*Copy supplied by Coffs IT