Rewarding innovation and excellence

Local government councils from across Australia, local government associations, groups or regional organisations of councils and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community councils are invited to participate in the 1998 National Awards for Innovation in Local Government.

The Awards acknowledge and reward local government for excellence in innovative solutions to issues and problems facing local government and communities. The Awards feature two national awards, the National Award and the Rural Award. Six winners will also receive awards in the following categories.

Engineering, Infrastructure and Urban Design

Local government entries that address serious local problems in engineering and infrastructure developments and urban design are invited for this award.

The Bushcare Environment Category

Sponsored by Bushcare, this category recognises local government’s contribution to maintaining a sustainable environment, particularly in the area of innovative native vegetation management.

The AusIndustry Information Technology Category

Sponsored by AusIndustry, this category recognises the importance of information technology and it’s innovative use by local government.

The Active Australia Leisure and Community Services Category

Sponsored by Active Australia, this category recognises innovative approaches by local government in the delivery of sport, recreation and community services.

Organisational Practices

The approach to, and application of, organisational practices is critical in this age of continuous improvement and commitment to providing services as effectively and efficiently as possible. This category invites entries which demonstrate innovative local government solutions that have been implemented to address these issues.

Regional and Economic Development

This category recognises the key role of individual, or regional groupings of councils, in regional development and in stimulating and facilitating sustainable economic growth. Each category will be judged by a panel of representatives from the National Office of Local Government, the Institute of Municipal Management, the Australian Local Government Association and category sponsors.

A National Judging Panel, comprising representatives from local government, industry and the Commonwealth will decide the National and Rural Awards. All Award winners will be announced at the Australian Local Government Association’s National General Assembly in Canberra in November 1998.

Guidelines and entry forms will be distributed to all councils in May, or you can visit the Awards’ Web site at

For more information contact: Francene Benness, National Office of Local Government GPO Box 594, CANBERRA ACT 2601 telephone (02) 6274 8136, fax (02) 6274 8155