National interest in annual portrait prize

The Bega Valley Regional Gallery is attracting national interest with its annual portrait prize. This year will be the fourth year the gallery has hosted the annual Shirley Hannan National Portrait Award, named after the local portrait artist who provides more than $13,000 in prize money each year.

Sydney artist, Susan Cesarini, took out the $12,000 major prize in 2004 with a portrait of Greens Senator, Kerry Nettle. Judge Nafisa Naomi said the painting was so full of life and expression that it seemed to be almost leaping off the wall.

Past winners have included Victorian artist Fu Hong in 2002, who continued his success last year with the $1,250 runner’s up prize, and internationally acclaimed artist Robert Hannaford in 2003.

The Shirley Hannan National Portrait Award has become one of the highlights on the Bega Valley Regional Gallery’s annual program of events.

“It is an event that has grown significantly in stature over the past couple of years and I think that has been reflected in the standard of works not only from artists in NSW but from other states as well,” said Gallery Director, Ross Cameron.

The gallery – which adjoins Council’s administration centre in Zingel Place – has recently re-opened following $20,000 of refurbishments including new carpet and a new coat of paint.

Mayor David Hede said Council had taken a number of additional steps in recent months to meet the expectations of the local community and the thousands of people who pass through the gallery’s doors every year.

The gallery now has its first ever strategic plan, a set of clear and transparent operational policies and is currently finalising plans for an exhibition subcommittee.

The Gallery Director’s position has been made full time and Council has recognised the need to find new premises.

Cr Hede said that a new gallery – while still a long term goal – had been identified as a critical action in Council’s management plan.